Audi A6 Typ 4G: Overview - Transverse Link
1 - Tie Rod
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Tie Rod, Removing and Installing".
- There are different versions and installed positions. Refer to
→ Fig. "Tie Rod on A Vehicle with Steel Suspension" and
→ Fig. "Tie Rod on A Vehicle with Air Suspension". For the correct
allocation. Refer to the Parts Catalog.
2 - Eccentric Bolt
- Always replace if removed
- Tighten either in the curb weight position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Curb Weight, Lifting Vehicles with Coil
Spring") or in the control position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Control Position, Lifting Vehicles with Air
3 - Eccentric Washer
4 - Nut
- 95 Nm
- Always replace if removed
5 - Bolt
- 70 Nm +180º turn
- Always replace if removed
- Tighten either in the curb weight position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Curb Weight, Lifting Vehicles with Coil
Spring") or in the control position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Control Position, Lifting Vehicles with Air
6 - Nut
- Always replace if removed
7 - Bracket
- For the Left Rear Level Control System Sensor -G76- / Right Rear
Level Control System Sensor -G77-
8 - Bolt
- 70 Nm +180º turn
- Always replace if removed
- Tighten either in the curb weight position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Curb Weight, Lifting Vehicles with Coil
Spring") or in the control position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Control Position, Lifting Vehicles with Air
9 - Subframe
10 - Nut
- Always replace if removed
11 - Upper Transverse Link
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Upper Transverse Link, Removing and Installing".
12 - Shim
13 - Nut
- 95 Nm
- Always replace if removed
- Tighten either in the curb weight position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Curb Weight, Lifting Vehicles with Coil
Spring") or in the control position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Control Position, Lifting Vehicles with Air
14 - Adjusting Bolt
15 - Bolt
- 70 Nm +180º turn
- Always replace if removed
- Tighten either in the curb weight position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Curb Weight, Lifting Vehicles with Coil
Spring") or in the control position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Control Position, Lifting Vehicles with Air
16 - Lower Transverse Link
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Lower Transverse Link, Removing and Installing".
17 - Bolt
- 120 Nm +360º turn
- Always replace if removed
- Tighten either in the curb weight position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Curb Weight, Lifting Vehicles with Coil
Spring") or in the control position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Control Position, Lifting Vehicles with Air
Axle alignment is necessary if the bolt is loosened.
18 - Cap
19 - Wheel Bearing Housing
20 - Spacer Tube
- Always replace if removed
21 - Nut
- Always replace if removed
Do not tighten the threaded connection using the nut.
Axle alignment is necessary if the nut is loosened.
22 - Bolt
- 90 Nm +90º turn
- Always replace if removed
- Tighten either in the curb weight position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Curb Weight, Lifting Vehicles with Coil
Spring") or in the control position (refer to
→ Chapter "Wheel Bearing in Control Position, Lifting Vehicles with Air
Tie Rod on A Vehicle with Steel Suspension
A - Steel tie rod
B - Aluminum cast tie rod
1 - Installed position: The marking must be on the outside and
the tip of the triangle points up.
Tie Rod on A Vehicle with Air Suspension
1 - Installed position: The marking must be on the outside and
the horizontal line points up.
2 - Aluminum cast tie rod
Due to the inaccessibility of the inner threaded connection
-1-, the upper control arm can only
be removed when the subframe has been removed.
Special tools and workshop equipment
Overview - Suspension Strut, Shock Absorber and Spring, Coil Spring
1 - Wheel Bearing Housing
2 - Stone Chip Protection
3 - Lower Spring Plate
Note the installed posi
Special tools and workshop equipment
Spring Tensioning System -VAS6274-
Spring Tensioning System - Audi Set -VAS6274/10-
It must only be converted once. It is not necessary
1 - Front Sill Panel Strip
There are different versions. Refer to the Parts Catalog.
Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Sill Panel Trim, Removing and Installing".
2 - Rear Sill Panel Strip
There are different versions. Refer to the Parts Catalog.
The functions ore adjusted in the Infotainment
Select: [CAR] function button > (Car) Systems
control button > Vehicle settings > Exterior
Automatic headlights
You can adjust the following settings in the Automatic
headlights menu:
Activation sensitivity - you can adju