Audi A6 Typ 4G: Transmission
- Rear Final Drive 0BC, 0BD, 0BE, 0BF
- General, Technical data
- Rear Final Drive, Differential
- Final Drive
- Final Drive, Disassembling and Assembling
- Gear Oil
- Seals
- Transmission Control
- Rear Final Drive 0BF and 0BE - Sport Differential
- General, Technical data
- Rear Final Drive, Differential
- 7-Speed DSG Transmission 0B5 (S tronic)
- General, Technical data
- Clutch
- Controls, Housing
- Gears, Shafts
- Rear Final Drive, Differential
- Servicing - 7-Speed Dual Clutch Transmission 0B5 (S tronic)
- General, Technical data
- Clutch
- Controls, Housing
- Gears, Shafts
- Rear Final Drive, Differential
Final Drive Identification
Final Drive Identification, 0BC
The 0BC rear final drive unit is used with the following
6-Speed Manual Transmission 0B2 All Wheel Drive (AWD)
6-Speed Man
Rear Lid, Removing and Installing, Sedan
1 - Rear Lid
A second technician will be needed during removal and installation
to support and to hold the rear lid.
Mark the position of the rear lid on the rear lid hinge with a
felt-tip pen before removing.
Extremely Dangerous Due to High-Voltage
The high-voltage system is under high-voltage. Death or serious
bodily injury by electric shock.
- Individuals with electronic/medical life- and health sustaining
machines in or on their person cannot perform any work on high-voltage
systems. Life- and